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(1)Ayondbirthdaye. (2016) Death Note survey results retrieved from


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(5)Death Penalty information center: Religion and the Death Penalty. Retrieved on October 10, 2016.Retrieved from


(6)Frohlich Dennis Owen (2012). Evil must be punished- morality of Death Note influenced by apocalyptic religion. Common feature in Judaism Christianity, and Islam. Journal of Media and Religion 114-155


(7)Forbes Bruce David, Jeffrey H. Mahan (2005) Religion and popular culture in America. University of California press Berkeley and los Angeles, California


(8)Gohan8419 (2015, April 5). Death note I am the god of the new world [Video file]. Retrieved from


(9)Grace to you. Retrieved on October 10,2016 from


(10)Inoue Toshiki (writer), & Araki Tetsurō (director). (2006). Death Note: silence.(television series episode). Nakatani Toshio and Tamura Manabu (producer). Viz Media.


(11)Kanal von MisaYagamii (2011, Jan 8). Death Note-Trailer Englisch (video file). Retrieved from


(12)Kita Mari, Johnson David (2013) Framing capital punishment in Japan: Avoidance, Ambivalence, and Atonement. Asian Criminology 221-240.


(13)Mother’s Basement. (2016, Aug 18) What’s in an OP?-Death Note’s Heavy Christian Symbolism (video file). Retrieved from


(14)Ohba Tsugumi (2010). Death Note. USA:VIZ Media, LLC San Francisco


(15)Plumb Amy (2010) Japanse religion mythology and the supernatural in aniem and manga. The International Journal of the Humanities 237-246


(16)Robbins Laura Pope (2014) Bringing anime to academic libraries: a recommended core collection. Emerald Group Publishing limited. 46-52


(17)Thomas Jolyon Baraka (2012) Horrific “Cults” and comic religion . Japanese Journal of Religious studies 127-151


(18)Thomas, Jolyon Baraka.(2012) Drawing on Tradition: Manga, Anime, and Religion in Contemporary Japan. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.


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